Usage prohibitions
The subscriber shall not use the network or benefit from it in the following cases:
- Sending or receiving e-mails resulting in threats, harassment or inconvenience to any person or entity inside or outside Libya.
- Sell, transfer or disposition of the Service without the prior written permission from Bait Ashames for Data Communications.
- The Subscriber alone shall bear the effects arising from the risks and costs resulting from the misuse or illegal use of the Service or violation or violation of the foregoing conditions, and shall bear sole legal and administrative violation as a result thereof.
- Bait Ashames for Data Communication has the right to immediately cancel the contract and exercise its right to bring a lawsuit or civil suit as it deems fit against the subscriber to compel him to implement the requirements of these conditions.
Obligations of the subscriber
- There are no debts on the phone line.
- The phone should be landline and not a CDMA.
- The distance of the copper wires carrying the service from the telephone exchange to the subscriber’s premises shall not exceed 5 km.
- That is not connected across waves above the centimeter.
- The phone shall not be transferred through another Hatif Libya district.
- The Subscriber is authorized to use the service telephone number, and if otherwise proven, the Company shall terminate the service immediately.
- The Subscriber shall pay the fees due for the service, and on the dates specified in the claims issued by the Company .
- The Subscriber is not entitled to sell the Service or any part thereof or to assign it to third parties in any way without the written consent for this purpose granted to him by the Company.
- Bait Ashames for Data Communication assumes no liability to the subscriber for damages or otherwise caused by use and use of the Internet.
- Bait Ashames is not responsible for the poor telephone line of the subscriber, which may cause a weak service.
The equipment provided by Bait Ashames for Data Communication for the implementation of the linking process is the property of the subscriber.
Duration of subscription
The subscription period starts from the date of connecting the subscriber to the system and obtaining the service, and ends on the specified date of the period of subscription in the contract.
Terminating service
- If the subscriber violates one of the points referred to above under the terms of use of the network.